Birth Chart – a snapshot of mother’s transit chart!

If you agree or disagree with the subject statement, the result does not alter in any way, and the life at present will go on as per current transits, always. It is not a matter of preference or interpretation or even perception. To “mile stone” the snapshot of mother’s transit chart which becomes our birth chart, also called as our natal chart which is ‘Mile Zero’, or commencement of our journey of life, though not wrong, perhaps our main interest in Astrology is our present state of life! Maybe, filled with satisfactory or good situation or tension ridden, whatever. Having said this, I am tempted to draw a tangent into a bit spiritual perspective and thus, it is pregnant with meaning and nevertheless, it is just the ‘Truth of Life’. Opinions simply do not matter while, it is always difficult digest the Truth!

The nucleus of human life is the doctrine of Karma theory – ‘as you sow, so shall you reap’. Thus, we have created our own destiny. Not even an iota of karma can ever be removed, modified or altered. Our prayer cannot change Karmas, but will give strength to discharge our karmas and sometimes may lessen the suffering. All of us living in a temporary world, thinking of making this world, a permanent one, amounts to prima facie fighting or challenging against the laws of nature. Therefore, we are all living in misery while some are more comfortably living and some are less comfortable in misery!

Now, back to Astrology, ‘Mile Zero’ – the so-called Birth Chart’s intrinsic value, to me, blasts off, since it is an outcome of dynamic components, that is, the evermoving planets, being treated as “Stationary” and then deciphering now, their position (at birth), to know the future! Of course, the Dasha, Bhukthi, Anthara and Sookshma as calculated at birth may act as the “Life Calendar”, in general, at the horizon. The direct message is – how effective it is, to treat the position of planets at birth, which are dynamic since it is continuously moving forward while we still seem to recognize them as it was at birth. Have they not progressed according to our age now? Is anyone looking at the Progressed Chart at this instant or the dumb stationary chart? Please think for yourself.

Human life is nothing but a roller coaster ride for the Mind and no 2 minutes stretch of life could be the same, generally, and of course, however, exceptions may be there. Therefore, can analyzing the Birth Chart, which is the road map of life, start to finish, help in resolving the anxieties, tensions and turbulence of mind at the moment than being crowned in the next one or two decades? Will the mind calm down or rejoice hearing a good period or event coming in the next 5 or 10 or 15 years from now? It is like promising a cup of ice cream 2 years later for a man who is terribly thirsty now, instead of offering a glass of water just now! Please allow your mind to free-wheel! Transformation from ‘feel good factor’ to ‘hard facts’ is the need of the hour.

Considering the glaring facts thus brought out, it is the Prashna Astrology which can give you instantaneous replies and help the mind to relax or settle, such that the mind power can be deployed more constructively and used, than worrying about the criticality of the situation. For me, the Dynamic Prashna Kundli is an instant Kundli which is not only the progressed chart of the Birth Chart, accurately, but also translates the movement of every planet at birth as at this moment. It is bound to open the flood gates of ‘future’ what is in store. Prashna Kundli is the outermost layer of our life at any given instant!

K Jagadish,

Astrologer, Life Coach, Author & Spiritual Thinker

The ‘Black Box’ of your turbulent MIND!

If you are a critic of Astrological predictions, it is exactly what I am looking for! You are welcome on board. No conflicts, no controversies and absolutely no hard feelings at all! I will love your comments and enjoy, but yet share my thoughts honestly for boosting up your morale.

If you think Rockefeller is a big name and is being dragged to hype up this article, it’s also OK. But, unfortunately, I have only very great achievers and global figures to talk about and quoting ‘no miracle’. Rockefeller’s cheque story if by any chance you are not familiar, please click here

The story of none other than the former President of India and also called ‘the Missile Man’, Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam is worth reading in just a few lines. Here we go.

Dr.APJ was a newspaper distribution boy in his school days. He learnt the trick of successfully throwing up the News Paper form the road to the first floor of buildings, while inside the mind of the young boy then, started enjoying launching something to space! Thus, the seed of future success story was planted in his mind. Secondly, his father was also a great inspiration. As a young boy, playing with his cousins after climbing a tree, a strong wind engulfed the tree and the caretakers of his cousins told their wards “not to leave their hands” Dr.APJ’s father told “hold your hands on the tree firmly”. His cousins fell down and only Dr.APJ held on to the tree. I think you will all agree that Dr.APJ’s father gave instruction in a positive way which got firmly fixed in his mind and served the purpose effectively by bringing positive vibrations in Dr.APJ’s mind although the effect of wind was the same for everyone on the tree.

‘How we say’ is more important than ‘what we say’. Of course, apart from ‘what we say, ‘where we say’ is also very important and I am saying at the right place! Ability to motivate, inspire and induce confidence at the right time, are the key factors for success in achieving our goal.

Now right on to my subject of Astrology: – Horoscope is something that everyone is familiar with. This pertains to the birth chart. Whilst, it is a transit chart of the mother when a baby is just born and we call it Natal Chart! In reality, it is a transit chart. Now, when you speak to me, at the very same instant, I cast a Prahna Kundli chart and nothing could be more accurate at that instant. The Prashna Lagna becomes the nucleus of interpretation. The Spiritual perspectives of this is – nothing short of saying, nothing in this life can ever be permanent or everything is mortal. Everything is changing all the time including your ‘so-called’ natal chart, rather it is progressing and has progressed to the instant of Prashna time! Therefore, it is the progressed chart of your life which can push and pull information about the future in relevance to the past.

After having said so much about the Prashna chart or the “INSTANT CHART”, I can, give you the Rockefeller’s cheque, while I am sane enough! Don’t laugh, but laugh off your anxieties and tensions, over a few minutes of telephone call!

The ‘Black Box’ of your turbulent MIND is with me and go ahead with my ‘Aplomb’ (meaning – equanimity, balance, coolness, self-possession, tact, surety and poise).

Message Your Lifeline +91 725969 1375

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Inspiration, Motivation, Confidence and Positive Vibrations and Self-esteem